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Advanced Rider Training

“The California Superbike School has a bulletproof, step-by-step method for training riders in the exact skills of cornering motorcycles. They are not famous racers or great businessmen but have become recognised worldwide, on four continents, because our system of training works and riders benefit from it.

If you have spoken to anyone who has done one of the schools you will know that everyone takes something away from it whether it be Level 1 or Level 4 no matter what their experience or current lap times. The coaches work closely with students on a 3 on 1 to or level 4 on a 1 to 1 basis. Our coaches thrive on improving your riding to ensure your experience is more enjoyable, safer and faster. 

Advanced Rider Training
Advanced Rider Training

Each of our many riding discoveries over the past three decades cleanly and effectively shatters the targeted barrier or the uncertainty riders experience in their cornering. The Superbike School’s program has matured and become integrated based on the experiences of real riders and their countless successes at overcoming their uncertainties, replacing them with skill and the real rush they’ve always wanted.

As we forge these discoveries into defined skills and written material, we translate them into simple and understandable techniques to constantly refine our four levels of training. With more effective drills and ways to demonstrate and communicate them, the success rate climbs and climbs. Our students are coached by us and they learn. Their barriers get blown away and are replaced with confidence.”

Keith Code – CSS Founder

A day with the California Superbike School is not just for racers or people who want to go fast. Their program suits all levels of riders and ages. If you do not have full control of your bike at time, know exactly what to do in certain situations or know how to get the most out of your motorcycle and make your riding as enjoyable as possible we highly recommend signing up today. With the most experienced advanced rider training programme in the world and training students at over 111 race tracks around the world we know what we are talking about and our students speak time and time again and keep coming back for more. 

To learn more about the California Superbike School’s classes check out their website at or call them during business hours on 1300 793 423

The team at Bike Domain have attended these classes and we cannot recommend them highly enough. We love the saying “Would you like to be taught to play golf by Tiger Woods or his Coach?” Time and time again we see famous racers teaching racing and we have attended those days. We much preferred the structured approach designed and taught by trainers with proven methodologies.